Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Figuring out Flip Teaching

 The first website that I found when I was researching what I could to use to record my videos is http://flipteaching.com/ managed by Ramsey Musallam. I’m sure most teachers who are flipping had heard of this website because it has such great tutorials and resources!  I am so grateful for his time and dedication for putting it all together.

I am researching what piece of hardware equipment I could use to record my videos. For the past week I have been looking at Wacom Bamboo tablets.  Right now it is a toss-up between the Bamboo Capture and the Bamboo Create.  The major difference for me is that the Bamboo Create has a bigger screen size then the Bamboo Capture but is also $100+ more. I’m not sure if it’s necessary to spend that extra money. I do have the new ipad but I have not really found an app that I could use that my computer will mirror what I write on the ipad without lag…
I am planning to use ScreenFlow to record, my MacBook pro, and some sort of ink pad like Autodesk sketchbook or just use PowerPoint/keynote with OnmiDazzle. I think letting the student being able to see my face while I talk is important because it makes it more personal.
Website to managed videos:
I am looking into options of creating my own website or just use a learning management system like Edmodo or MyBigCampus.

Student accountability:
I am planning to embed a Google form that the students have to fill out while they are watching the video. I’m still not sure what to do with the data. Will I use it as a grade? If so, how much should it weight?  Should I just use it as extra credit? I am looking into Mastery Learning and not just grade every worksheet they complete. I would love to pilot it for the next year. I’m just worry if I’m taking on too much at once!

Again so much to think about, so many decisions to make……..my head won’t stop thinking! I can hardly sleep lately because all I’m thinking about is this at night while I’m trying to fall asleep. I guess I’m just too excited!  I’m the type of person that won’t stop until I figure out the answer!! Ahhhhhhh

1 comment:

  1. I have been flipping my Computer Science course in Austin for two years. My thoughts on some of your questions:

    I don't use any sort of tablet. I use PowerPoint only. My digital handwriting is not very good, so it's easier for me and my students for me to type instead. You might want to use MathType ( http://goo.gl/g8Bf ) for dealing with equations.

    You might want to look at screencast-o-matic.com. $12/year for their "Pro" level - which adds editing tools, etc. It will capture a webcam along with everything else.

    I use Moodle to manage the course. The videos are stored on another web server at the school and linked into the Moodle courses. All assignments are submitted through Moodle. I can mark an assignment with a custom grade of "Revise & Resubmit" if the student needs to work on it more.

    This fall, I am going to use a pre-packaged set of videos and text. The answer key to exercises is on-line, so it's not useful for graded assignments. I plan to use it as an optional study guide to help students identify key information. I'll add my own assignments. I'm thinking about requiring regular contributions to a class blog: summarize a lesson, or ask or answer a question about the lesson.

    The accountability for watching or absorbing the video lessons comes with other assignments and activities. Just as you can't know that a student is engaged in/with an in-class lecture or other activity or that a student actually did last night's assigned reading, you can't know that a student watched a video attentively. You can know that the student can participate in a discussion, or can do the lab procedure, etc.

    I noticed that one of your other blog posts discussed differentiating instruction. Flipping does this - almost automatically. Students who need more time to absorb a concept can watch the video several times. Students who "get it" the first time they watch a lesson (or already understand a topic) can move on.

    Good luck!
